Conversion of a former sports centre into Muslim Prayer Rooms
Contract Sum: £780,000
Contract Duration: 34 weeks
Client: The University of Manchester

Works consisted of a full internal refurbishment including the installation of a mezzanine floor, and a part external refurbishment. The existing roof was in a much worse state of repair than originally anticipated. There was a great deal of infestation in the existing timbers which required the sterilisation of the whole building, the installation of a structural steel frame and the replacement of all timbers.
We worked pro-actively with the University to ensure the extra works caused the minimum of delay to the project. It was important that the project was not only an architectural success, but also a religious success and at the end of the project we were pleased to receive an award from the Muslim advisors in recognition of our efforts.

“This was a difficult project due to the restricted site and poor condition of the existing building. Manchester and Cheshire worked pro-actively and effectively to produce an excellent result.“
Stephen Savory, Project Architect, University of Manchester